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Construction R-values

These graphs use H1 settings from the 4th Edition of H1, pre-November 2021. They compare these settings to medium proposals for construction R-values in Thermal, financial and carbon review of NZBC energy efficiency clause H1/AS1 thermal envelope requirements for residential and small buildings.

Cooling (kWhm2)
Heating (kWhm2)
Material (kg co2eq50yr (SusT, higherC, w.out D)
Material (kg co2eq50yr (SusT, higherC, with D)
Total (kg co2eq50yr (SusT, higherC, w.out D)
Total (kg co2eq50yr (SusT, higherC, with D)
Total Cooling (kWh)
Total Electricity (kg co2eq50yr)
Total Heating (kWh)
Total Heating + Cooling (kWh)
Total HVAC (kg co2eq50yr)