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Low-carbon tools

This selection of tools can help with low-carbon design.

LCAQuick: Life cycle assessment tool

Use LCAQuick to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions (and other environmental impacts) associated with building designs and to iteratively reduce or design out carbon (and other environmental impacts).

LCAPlay: Options assessment tool

Use LCAPlay to evaluate the potential greenhouse gas emissions (and other environmental impacts) of alternative building options. Easy and quick to use.

CO₂NSTRUCT: Embodied carbon and energy dataset

CO₂NSTRUCT contains embodied greenhouse gas and energy data for construction materials and products. The data in CO₂NSTRUCT is derived from numerous sources and provided in the database with a data quality metric.

CO₂MPARE: Building carbon footprint dataset

CO₂MPARE provides mean carbon footprint values for New Zealand case study residential and office buildings and includes additional information such as energy use intensity and top contributing materials from a greenhouse gas perspective.

CO₂RE: Residential building element carbon footprint dataset

CO₂RE provides calculated carbon footprints per square metre for residential roof, wall and floor constructions obtained from the BRANZ House insulation guide (5th edition) and enables ranking based on desired construction R-value.

Photovoltaic generation calculator

Use this calculator to determine the average yearly electricity generation capability of your photovoltaic (PV) system.

NIWA Solarview tool

This calculator estimates the solar energy that can be collected by a solar capture device (solar panel) at a given address, panel direction and roof slope within New Zealand.

NZGBC Homestar Embodied Carbon Calculator tool

This calculator in the form of Excel spreadsheets helps estimate the carbon footprint of a dwelling.