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How to get involved - students

ArchEngBuild offers a fantastic opportunity for students where they can expect an intense 3 days of hard but hugely rewarding hands-on work.

Challenge participants are selected from the pool of self-nomination submissions or a nomination from their tertiary education organisation representative (for example, heads of department or lecturers).

Are you a final year student studying either architecture, engineering or construction management in New Zealand and interested in being part of the ArchEngBuild 2024 Challenge?

Simply tell us why you think you’d be the right kind of person to be at the ArchEngBuild Challenge. How you choose to impress organisers is up to you. Just make sure you stand out!

Nominations are now open for 2024.

The ArchEngBuild Challenge:

  • recreates a real-life client brief, giving students a unique work experience before they start their working life - the client brief reflects the host city’s aspirations and issues
  • offers the chance for students to experience cross-disciplinary collaboration, often for the first time
  • encourages students to use the latest building materials, innovations and technology in their designs
  • gives students access to mentors from industry associations
  • creates valuable networking opportunities
  • is a very attractive addition to a student’s CV.

What can students expect?

Students can expect an intense 3 days of hard but hugely rewarding hands-on work. There are only 50 hours to meet their team mates, hear the project brief for the first time and deliver their project pitch to the judges, so the teams will work hard under pressure - and become a little sleep deprived!

With experienced industry professionals on hand to mentor and encouragement by the organising team, students receive invaluable early career experience plus make new friends and contacts from across the construction sector.


Learn about the ArchEngBuild Challenge experience.