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BEES for energy modelling

The data collected was used to create thermal simulation models of the buildings.

The thermal simulation models created used computer programs such as Google Earth, SketchUp, OpenDesign, Radiance, su2rad and EnergyPlus. The work explored the generation of building models in a standardised and quasi-automated manner.

Generic templates were developed for eight building forms, producing concept template files, constructions, internal gains and building schedules.

The goal of the work was to both improve the empirical basis of the models themselves, thereby improving the accuracy, and generate scenarios that showed the distribution of responses to a change (for example, a single change in NZBC clause H1 might improve thermal performance of one part of the non-residential stock but decrease comparative performance in another).

The BEES team aimed to help make life easier for people modelling commercial buildings. One practical application for the research was to create templates for energy models of the most common types of commercial buildings in New Zealand with the goal to take the findings of BEES and create schedules based on real monitored data, which appears to be a world first.


The templates were produced by the Centre for Building Performance Research, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Authors: Shaan Cory, Anthony Gates and Michael Donn

Research assistants: Henry Hsu and Hayley Koerbin