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SR403 The built environment and climate change: A review of research, challenges and the future (July 2018)

Product Description

Climate change presents one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. The built environment has a core part to play in how, as a society, we adapt and seek to mitigate the impacts of climate change. This research report examines the current scientific evidence and initiatives relating to the built environment and climate change and seeks to outline how New Zealand can plan a transition to a low-carbon economy.

The report provides a brief overview of the global and New Zealand response to climate change. We also provide an assessment of New Zealand research related to residential housing and climate change, especially examining energy and thermal performance, materials in residential construction and tools available for evaluating carbon performance. Both mitigation and adaptation initiatives are examined.

The report seeks to outline the challenges, barriers and drivers facing the building and construction industry to respond to climate change. The report considers some frameworks that underpin a transition to a low-carbon economy and outlines some strategic directions that enable the creation of a pathway for zero-carbon buildings and action to help the transition to a low-carbon economy. The report concludes by recommending future work.

Product Information

Publication date July 2018
Author Casimir MacGregor, David Dowdell, Roman Jaques, Lee Bint and Brian Berg
System number SR403