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Wet areas

Considerations for wet areas include bathrooms, kitchens and laundries.

Side transfer to toilet.
Some wheelchair users prefer to be able to wash their hands before transferring back to the chair.
Existing toilet modified for ambulant person.
Front transfer to toilet - person is able to stand briefly with support.
Wall-hung toilet.
Floor-mounted toilet.
Accessible toilet design features.
Wash basin for ambulant person.
Wash basin for wheelchair user.
Proprietary adjustable height wash basin.
If two basins are required, consider different heights for different users.
Factors to consider for a vanity unit and basin.
Bath/shower arrangement suitable for ambulant person.
Detail for slip-resistant bath and pole for support.
Bath/shower arrangement suitable for some wheelchair users and some ambulant people.
Shower compartment suitable for ambulant people and some wheelchair users.
Proprietary prefabricated corner shower with level entry.
Accessible vanity storage suitable for elderly ambulant users.
Vanity storage accessible to a wheelchair user.
Walk-in or wheel-in pantry/shelving.
Knee space underneath a kitchen sink for a wheelchair user.
Adjustable height kitchen sink.
Wall-mounted oven.
L-shaped kitchen layout.
U-shaped kitchen layout.
Laundry layout.
Accessible laundry design features.