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Social, economics and industry research

BRANZ provides evidence, analysis and advice to the building industry about how people relate to the built environment. Our multi-disciplinary team offers expertise in sociology and social anthropology, economics, statistics and sustainability.

Social science research

Social science research at BRANZ seeks to understand the relationship between people and our built environment - both how we use it and how we feel about it. We draw upon the theory and methods of sociology and social anthropology to examine these relationships.

We take a systems approach to our research, studying interactions and impacts across the building system with a focus on the human element.

We aim to create dialogue between building users, the building and construction industry and the government. Our goal is to help these groups confront contemporary challenges within the built environment and to pursue innovations in the practice of social science.

We provide expertise in:

  • urban sociology
  • science, technology and society
  • social and behaviour change
  • consumer studies
  • industrial sociology.

Knowledge generated from our research has contributed to resources and tools for both consumers and the industry. We have also provided valuable evidence for government decision making.

Examples include:

Economics analysis and forecasting

Our Economics team carries out business performance research, product market analysis and workload forecasts for businesses in the building and construction sector. We also provide advice on the effects of government policy changes.

Examples of work

Updated: 15 February 2024