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SR426 Measuring our sustainability progress: New Zealand's new detached residential housing stock (first update) (2019)

Product Description

This report examines New Zealand’s new-build residential (stock) sustainability aspects as part of an ongoing BRANZ longitudinal study. The long-term objective is to assess, benchmark and track trends of the performance and influencers on new detached housing. Three overarching themes – building performance, market forces and governance – are examined to provide a snapshot summary of impactors. Eight domains are covered under these themes: energy and CO₂, water, indoor environment, functional resilience, affordability, consumer demand, industry capacity and policy and regulation. Each domain has a set of individual indicators and metrics used to provide quantitative and qualitative information so that trends can easily be tracked.

This second report (i.e. the first update) in the series focuses on the calendar year 2016, comparing those results with the calendar year 2012 findings. Although this study report is a stand-alone document, its predecessor BRANZ Study Report SR342 should be read prior to or concurrent with this first update for best comprehension.

See the BRANZ Research Now for a short and accessible summary of this report

Product Information

Publication date December 2019
Author Roman Jaques
System number SR426